import java.awt.Point; public class Triangle { private Point myP1; private Point myP2; private Point myP3; // Default Constructor // Initialize three Points to default Point objects public Triangle() { myP1 = new Point(); myP2 = new Point(); myP3 = new Point(); } // Constructor: Initialize myP1, myP2, and myP3 to the three points of // the triangle // Parameters: // Three points of the triangle public Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) { myP1 = p1; myP2 = p2; myP3 = p3; } // Calculates the perimeter of this triangle // Parameters: none // Return: double value of perimeter public double getPerimeter() { return 0; // TO DO (return 0 is a dummy return statement) } // Calculates the area of this triangle // Parameters: none // Return: double value of area public double getArea() { return 0; // TO DO (return 0 is a dummy return statement) } }