//************************************************************ // // Card.java Authors: Lewis, Chase, Coleman // // Provides an implementation of a class to represent a // playing card // //************************************************************ import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class Card { protected String face; protected ImageIcon cardpic; protected int value; protected String suit; /*********************************************************** Constructs a card. ***********************************************************/ public Card() { cardpic = null; value = 0; suit = null; face = null; } /*********************************************************** Draws the shape. @param x the image of the card @param val the value of the card @param s the suit of the card @param f the type of the card ***********************************************************/ public Card(ImageIcon x, int val, String s, String f) { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Returns the image. ***********************************************************/ public ImageIcon getimage() { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Returns the value. ***********************************************************/ public int getvalue() { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Allows the user to set the value. @param v new value of card ***********************************************************/ public void setvalue(int v) { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Returns the suit ***********************************************************/ public String getsuit() { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Returs the face ***********************************************************/ public String getface() { // TO DO } /*********************************************************** Returs a string representing the card ***********************************************************/ public String toString() { // TO DO } }//end Card